For librarians and social workers
This part of the platform provides information for librarians and social workers. The content we offer should help you to establish your libraries as socially inclusive learning spaces.
This project is financed with support from the European Commission (Grant Agreement no 2016-1-AT01-KA202-016797). The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. | |
E-tutorial for librarians and social workersIn our e-tutorial for librarians and social workers you can learn more about the following topics: |
This theme will focus on the basics of socially inclusive learning with some conceptual and theoretical frameworks as well as pr…
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Here, the focus will be about understanding interculturalism-multiculturalism and diversity. Based on the Multicultural Library …
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Citizenship education and competences enabling participation in social and political life are vital for successful integration. …
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Introductory information about second/foreign language learning and teaching will be presented so that librarians have the basic…
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In the methods' toolkit we provide you with a list of books, sources, exercises, activities, methods and ideas related to themes…
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This part of the e-tutorial will provide an introduction into the basic structure of our LIB(e)RO learning platform and will exp…
This eLearning platform is the outcome of project LIB(e)RO. You can find further information on the project website.
The project ends on 30th September 2018. Afterwards, this platform will no longer be updated on a regular basis. Its contents therefore might therefore contain mistakes. In case of questions and problems please feel free to contact us
The project ends on 30th September 2018. Afterwards, this platform will no longer be updated on a regular basis. Its contents therefore might therefore contain mistakes. In case of questions and problems please feel free to contact us