Plattformupdate Am Dienstag dem 11.03.25 steht die Lernplattform nicht zur Verfügung.
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For learners

In this part of our platform you will find information and short texts covering different aspects of life in the European Union and your local communities. We have also collected relevant links, so that you can continue learning beyond the borders of this platform. Have fun!


This project is financed with support from the European Commission (Grant Agreement no 2016-1-AT01-KA202-016797). The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Learning - Orientation - Communication

In this part of the learning platform there will be short texts, audio files and small exercises, which you can use to inform yourself about different subjects:
(c) Colourbox

My Europe

In this learning module you can learn more about Europe and the European Union. You will find out about
  • the difference between the two,
  • how the EU works, and
  • what are your fundamental rights in the EU.

Learning Module ILIAS
(c) Colourbox

My rights

In this learning module you can learn more about
  • your rights and obligations as an asylum seeker,
  • the recognition of your education and new learning opportunities in Europe.

Learning Module ILIAS
Learning Module ILIAS
Learning Module ILIAS
(c) Colourbox

My world of challenges

In this learning module you can learn more about
  • intercultural communication,
  • diversity and equality, and
  • the environment.

Learning Module ILIAS
(c) Colourbox

My everyday life

In this learning module, you can learn more about
  • how you can find housing,
  • how you can find a job, and
  • how you can access public services (for example health services).

Learning Module ILIAS
Learning Module ILIAS
Learning Module ILIAS
(c) Colourbox

My library

In this learning module you can learn more about a how a library works.

Learning Module ILIAS
Learning Module ILIAS
This eLearning platform is the outcome of project LIB(e)RO. You can find further information on the project website.
The project ends on 30th September 2018. Afterwards, this platform will no longer be updated on a regular basis. Its contents therefore might therefore contain mistakes. In case of questions and problems please feel free to contact us


In diesem Glossar finden sich Begriffe zu den Themen "Mein Alltag in Deutschland" und "Mein Alltag in Österreich".
In diesem Glossar finden sich Begriffe rund ums Thema Europa.
In diesem Glossar finden sich Begriffe zum Thema "Meine Rechte in Deutschland" und "Meine Rechte in Österreich".