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Regionalism and Global Governance - DEMO vhb-course

vhb-Kursdemo, Prof. Dr. Stahl, Prof. Dr. Stetter – This course demo includes two sessions of the course "Regionalism and Global Governance"


Regionalism and Global Governance - Welcome to the course

NB: This is a demo version of the vhb Online Course "Regionalism and Global Governance". To participate in the actual course, please register on www.kurse.vhb.org and follow the provided link to access all sessions and materials. The link will be displayed once the semester commences. More information on the course is available here.
Wikipedia Commons. Some Regional Org. of the world. Available from http://bit.ly/1lJ2cei. Accessed 4 Feb 2020.
Great to have you here! Please check out our collection of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – your questions might have already been answered there. If you should have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us  – we are happy to help.

Course Tutor: Christoph Stieglbauer
Virtual Office Hours: Anytime! Just contact us via internationale-politik-vhb@ads.uni-passau.de and make an appointment for a phone call or Skype/Zoom meeting. 
Feel free to contact us if you have problems or need help with anything. If you would like to receive feedback for abstracts, exposés or similar, please make sure to send them to us a few days before you need the feedback. That is to say, we do not accept last-minute requests for feedback within the days before a deadline.

To explore the ILIAS environment, start the course by watching our Guide to the course"-video in the first session.


Session Materials: 1  
Contains sessions 5-10 on the various ROs of the course and their analysis.



